Ports and Terminals

National Waterway Transport Agency publishes public call for the port of Arroio do Sal

Jul, 26, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202330

The National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) published in the Official Gazette this Monday (24) the authorization notice for the construction and operation of the Meridional Port, in Arroio do Sal, on the North Coast. According to the document, interested companies will have 30 days to submit their proposals.

The initial project includes an onshore terminal for private use, with an estimated reception capacity of 40,000 tons. The work will also include an initial draft of 17 meters that will allow the reception of large vessels, such as cruise ships.

The work has an estimated value of R$ 6 billion. According to engineer João Acácio Gomes de Oliveira Neto, president of DTA Engenharia, who leads the undertaking, the funds for carrying out the work can be raised through five sources. They are: equity (investor capital), debt structuring, investment funds, promotion via BNDES and the Merchant Marine Fund (FMM).

He explains that these five sources are possibilities that can act together or individually. Oliveira Neto points out that the publication of the public call that took place this Monday is a very important step. The next step will be the release of the environmental license by the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Natural Resources (Ibama). After that, construction is expected to take place within 24 months, and the first ship is expected to dock at the port in 2026.

Source: Gaúcha ZH

To read the original article, visit: https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/pioneiro/economia/noticia/2023/07/agencia-nacional-de-transportes-aquaviarios-divulga-chamamento-publico-para-o-porto-de-arroio-do-sal-clkhi0zjk00ed0140mslm1n0w.html

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