Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s Sao Francisco do Sul port breaks ship loading time record

Mar, 28, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202316

The Port of Sao Francisco do Sul broke its cargo loading time record with the operation of a soybean carrier, that is, 67 thousand tonnes in 26 hours. The Marshall Island-flagged vessel Smirna was cleared to continue its journey toward China on the 26.

The record was set thanks to efficient shiploaders. The machinery was the target of constant investments from the port, exponentially improving its performance.

“We managed to get both shiploaders working at their maximum capacity of 1,500 tons per hour throughout the entire procedure,” explains Guilherme Medeiros, Port Infrastructure manager.

He also clarified that the only time the operation was halted was to change which vessel hold was receiving cargo. Thus, the average loading of the 67 thousand tonnes of oilseeds was 1,278 per hour for each shiploader.

“We achieved our goal, which we had been aiming for a long time: zero shiploader downtime,” celebrates Medeiros, adding that, for this, a maintenance company was contracted to keep the equipment working around the clock, seven days a week.

It is the second time in a week that the record in grain loading time has been broken. On Thursday, the 23rd, the ship Canopus, from Liberia, was also loaded within 26 hours, at an average of 1,274 tonnes per hour.

According to Operations Manager Clayton Cipriano, the efficiency of shiploaders has a positive impact on maritime traffic. “By reducing mooring time, the Port of Sao Francisco do Sul improves operational performance while saving our customers money.”

According to the executive, considering Brazil’s public ports, this indicator places the Port of São Francisco do Sul as one of the main ones regarding average grain loading/unloading time.

See below the track record of soy exports shipped from Brazil’s Port of Sao Francisco do Sul from Jan 2019 and Jan 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Soy exports from Sao Francisco Sul | Jan 2019 – Jan 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

According to the Infrastructure manager, these records were only possible because of the cooperation and commitment of everyone involved: the Grain Terminal and Operations Management team, the pier operators, and the company in charge of maintaining the equipment.

Source: O Município Joinville

To read the original text, please refer to: https://omunicipiojoinville.com/economia-em-pauta-porto-de-sao-francisco-do-sul-bate-recorde-no-tempo-de-carregamento-de-navio/

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