
TEU ranking of Brazil exports and imports in 2020

Feb, 24, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202108

Which goods were handled in the highest volumes in 2020? Which products had the greatest growth in exports? And the biggest drop? To answer these questions, the DatamarNews team conducted a ranking of the most-exported and most-imported goods in 2020 and drew a comparison with 2019.  See the results below:


In exports, food was the category that performed the best in 2020, with 1,038,200 TEU, a growth of 6% in relation to 2019. The highest percentage growth, however, was registered in the ‘sugar and derivatives’ category, which grew 56%.

Ranking of Brazil’s exports | Jan to December 2019-2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Commodity 2019 (TEU) 2020 (TEU) % change
1 1 Foods 981.974 1.038.200 6%
2 2 Wood and coal and derivatives 444.924 504.742 13%
3 3 Paper And Cellulose 270.776 277.057 2%
4 4 Cotton 148.146 183.371 24%
5 5 Metals and derivatives 159.818 153.832 -4%
6 6 Plastic and derivatives 166.173 150.109 -10%
7 8 Beverages - Infusion 133.372 144.177 8%
8 9 Chemicals 119.579 121.755 2%
9 7 Sugar and derivatives 77.299 120.368 56%
10 10 Seeds and straws 84.235 111.372 32%
11 12 Reactors and boilers 87.790 73.675 -16%
12 11 Animal food 68.583 71.516 4%
13 14 Textiles, derivatives and clothing 68.151 66.564 -2%
14 13 Smoke 60.786 57.832 -5%
15 15 Minerals and derivatives 54.157 56.099 4%
16 Total 2.925.763 3.130.669 7%
17 Others 474.542 451.321 -5%
18 Grand total 3.400.305 3.581.990 5%

Source: DataLiner


The goods most imported by Brazil in containers in 2020 were from the ‘plastics and derivatives’ category.  At 377,538 TEU, this was a 6% growth compared to 2019. In contrast, the ‘rubbers and derivatives’ category fell 18% in 2020 compared to 2019.

Ranking of Brazil’s imports | Jan to December 2019-2020 | TEU

wdt_ID Rank Commodity 2019 (TEU) 2020 (TEU) % change
1 1 Plastic and derivatives 357.173 377.538 6%
2 2 Chemicals 337.491 348.558 3%
3 3 Reactors and boilers 343.456 311.032 -9%
4 4 Without classification 225.487 258.681 15%
5 5 Vehicles and parts 351.535 241.587 -31%
6 6 Electric machines 239.703 232.920 -3%
7 7 Metals and derivatives 214.962 198.619 -8%
8 8 Textiles, derivatives and clothing 209.254 175.508 -16%
9 9 Foods 120.765 121.589 1%
10 10 Rubber and derivatives 133.522 109.187 -18%
11 11 Paper And Cellulose 99.072 92.105 -7%
12 12 Fertilizer 61.418 70.700 15%
13 13 Furniture 59.485 52.375 -12%
14 14 Drinks 46.908 44.527 -5%
15 15 Glass and derivatives 52.159 43.588 -16%
16 Total 2.852.390 2.678.514 -6%
17 Others 343.396 339.172 -1%
18 Grand total 3.195.786 3.017.686 -6%

Source: DataLiner (To request a DataLiner demo click here)

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