Port of Recife starts dredging process
Jul, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202127
On June 30, the Official Register of the State of Pernambuco published the notice of bidding to hire a company that will carry out the dredging work of the Recife anchorage.
Upon completion of the bidding process, the mobilization of the work, the hydrographic surveys, and the execution of the dredging should take 3 months. The schedule also includes another month for the approval of the draft by the Brazilian Navy, after the end of services. “Making the dredging work feasible is the great task of our management for the Port of Recife so that it can re-establish and advance in activities that are important to our economy, such as moving sugar. In addition, the new depth will allow us to attract new projects, enable more companies to use our equipment, bring in new types of cargo, and expand passenger vessel movement. It is an emblematic step towards giving the Port of Recife the leading role it deserves within our state’s economic development strategy”, highlighted the Secretary for Economic Development, Geraldo Julio.
Dredging comprises desilting and clearing berths, access channels, and turning basins. The objective of this work is to establish a satisfactory depth for the Port of Recife, thus facilitating navigation and the arrival of larger ships. The federal resource earmarked for the execution and supervision of the work was in the order of R$ 28,500,000.00.
At the end of 2019, the state and federal governments, with the intervention of the State Economic Development Secretariat and the executing intervention of Porto do Recife SA, signed a Term of Commitment with the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) to execute the dredging works of the berth. The section from berth 00 to 01 will be deepened to a depth of 10 meters; from berth 02 to 06 to 11 meters; and from berth 07 to 09 to 8 meters deep. The sections mentioned will reach the maximum depths, at high tide, of 12.70m, 13.70m, and 10.7m respectively. There will be 832,208 cubic meters of sediment dredged from the berths, inner channel, and evolution basin.
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