port of itapoa expansion project
Ports and Terminals

Port of Itapoá is the first to be given permission to find a destination for seized cargo

Dec, 20, 2021 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202148

The Port of Itapoá and the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office of São Francisco do Sul signed an unprecedented cooperation agreement on December 17th, 2021.

The accord revolves around finding a destination to the seized goods either apprehended by the Federal Revenue Service or abandoned by the actors in foreign trade logistics. As of now, the terminal can send products under its fiscal custody and in possession of the Union for destruction. Currently, the port of  Itapoá has more than 60 containers that meet these conditions.

Under the agreed circumstances, the removal of discarded goods out of the terminal’s premises will be streamlined after due inspection by the Federal Revenue Service, which will also oversee that the elimination and waste disposal processes meet all the requirements stipulated by the current environmental legislation.

In addition to executing all operations, the terminal will also be responsible for defraying these procedures. The destination of items selected to be auctioned or donated remains under the responsibility of the Federal  Revenue Service.

Sources: NSC and port of Itapoá

To read the full original article, visit the link: https://www.nsctotal.com.br/colunistas/dagmara-spautz/porto-de-itapoa-e-o-primeiro-no-pais-autorizado-pela-receita-a-dar

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