Liquid fertilizer imports expected to increase at Paranaguá Port
Feb, 29, 2020 Posted by Sylvia SchandertWeek 202010
The possibility of a recovery in liquid fertilizer imports at the port of Paranaguá is good news for companies in the segment. New markets and trade negotiations are already underway, as well as storage infra-structure. The volume of fertilizer products discharged via hoses and ducts is expected to rise this year.
According to the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, the company has worked together with the private sector to attract new players to the state’s terminals in all segments. “We are one of the most recognized ports not only for the excellence of our port operations, but also for the governance that the company has established. As for efficiency, this applies not only to the public company, but also the private sector ”, he says. According to Garcia, it is up to Portos do Paraná to further improve the operational conditions of the ports in the state so that they continue to be a reference.
According to the manager of the company Cattalini, Lucas Guzen, currently liquid fertilizers are already a reality in several markets in the first world, mainly in the United States, where they have great usage. “We don’t have to go very far in South America to see it being used as it is also a reality in the Argentine market”, he adds.
According to Guzen, when looking to this product as an alternative for market expansion, the idea is to take advantage of the fact that the Port of Paranaguá is already well established in importing granulated and solid fertilizers. “We already have a minimum volume being handled by the Port of Paranaguá, but there is a growing interest from international producers of liquid fertilizers to expand and make this market more regular and robust, as it is for other fertilizers”.
Currently, the products imported by the operating company of the Port of Paranaguá come from the United States, the main producers. However, there is also significant production in the Russian and European markets, in addition to Trinidad and Tobago. “The liquid fertilizer market is a market that we have been developing for some years and giving full support to these new players to gain market in Paranaguá”, concludes Guzen.
Operations – Since 2016 liquid fertilizers, mainly a composition of liquid urea, have been amongst Paranaguá Port’s recorded cargo handling. By December last year, seven vessels were registered to have off-loaded fertilizers in this form – a total volume of 42,000 tons.
Liquid fertilizers were handled in larger volumes in 2017, when three vessels brought 16,454 tons of the product. In 2018 there were 9,330 tons and in 2019, 9,718 tons.
Expectation – The liquid bulk segment is optimistic about market expectations and numbers, which show growth in the first month of this year. According to representatives of the sector, 2020 promises to be very good for all the operators at Paranaguá Port, mainly due to the new investments expected in revamping and improving the public pier.
Significant liquid bulk operators at Paranaguá Port are CPA, CBL, Transpetro, União Vopak, Alcopar and Cattalini. Together they are responsible for 43% of all such cargo handled.
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