Ports and Terminals

Klabin Port Terminal Ships Over 600K Tons of Pulp in Single Year

Feb, 16, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202407

In its first year of operation, the Klabin Port Terminal, PAR-01, located in the port of Paranaguá (PR), has solidified its position in exports, achieving significant milestones that brought operational excellence and advances in its sustainability strategy. Since its inauguration in December 2022, 664 thousand tonnes of cellulose produced at the Ortigueira factory in Paraná have been sent abroad.

The installation of solar panels, capable of generating approximately 270 megawatt-hours per year, has resulted in a reduction of 3.6 tons of CO2, strengthening Klabin’s commitment to clean energy sources. Additionally, the shift to rail transport has led to an 85% reduction in emissions, reinforcing the company’s commitment to sustainable logistic practices. The Terminal also recorded a 30% female representation in its operation, reflecting efforts towards fostering an equitable environment.

The Klabin Port Terminal, the leading producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable packaging solutions, occupies an area of ​​27,530 m² in the port of Paranaguá (PR) and has a direct railway connection to the Puma unit in Ortigueira (PR). Its strategic location reduces truck traffic in cargo transportation to ships, previously operated in a warehouse located 5km away from the shoreline.

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