Itapoá scores all-time high reefer cargo exports in August
Sep, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202238
In August 2022, the Port of Itapoá exported 3,414 units of reefer cargo containers. This is the highest throughput ever recorded by the terminal since 2016 when the foreign trade operations to Venezuela were closed due to the impending crisis in the country.
For the Director of Business Development and Customer Experience of the port, Roberto Pandolfo, such a result is due to the excellent infrastructure observed at the terminal and the synergy between its team and shipowners. “The guarantee of the regularity of boarding makes us stand out,” he explains.
Furthermore, the terminal is the sole port in Santa Catarina, included in Maersk’s ASAS service beginning in September 2021. “Today, we have the shortest import transit time from Asia among all ports in southern Brazil,” Pandolfo says. In Brazil, this service only makes double calls (stopping the ship on the way to and from the route) in Itapoá and Santos.
Origin and final destination
The refrigerated cargo transported in August consisted mainly of animal protein: chicken, pork, and beef. “The origin of the cargoes was nearly entirely in the southern part of Brazil,” Roberto Pandolfo explains.
Itapoá reefer cargo exports | Jan 2022 – Jul 2022 | TEUs
Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)
These cargoes were entirely bound to foreign destinations, with Asia being the final destination for 48% of the containers exported. Europe and the Americas each received 40% and 12% of the total.
Source: Comex do Brasil
To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.comexdobrasil.com/porto-itapoa-tem-resultado-historico-na-exportacao-de-cargas-refrigeradas-em-agosto-e-asia-foi-o-principal-destino/
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