embarques de café / coffee shipments

Germany tops US as largest importer of Brazilian coffee

Feb, 16, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202407

The United States, the world’s largest coffee consumer and then-largest importer of Brazilian coffee, lost its top spot to Germany last month. This unusual shift in the coffee market dynamics is featured in the latest data report released by the Council of Brazilian Coffee Exporters.

According to the official report, Germany purchased 695,607 bags of coffee in January, marking a 57.4% increase compared to January 2023 and accounting for 17.6% of Brazil’s exports.

The chart below shows the volume of coffee exported to Germany from Brazil between Jan 2019 and Dec 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Coffee Exports to Germany | Jan 2019 – Dec 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

While this development may raise eyebrows, Márcio Cândido Ferreira, president of Cecafé, attributes Germany’s rise to logistical challenges faced by global exporters in recent months, exacerbated by conflicts in the Middle East. “We had shipments originally slated for December that were delayed, and certainly shipments to Europe, which favored higher volumes to Germany this January,” said the president.

Germany has long been a prominent market for coffee, consistently ranking as one of the top importers of Brazilian coffee, trailing behind the United States. Coffee consumption in the country has been steadily increasing, with the German Coffee Association reporting record consumption in 2022.

Local press reports highlight coffee as “by far the most popular beverage in Germany, ahead of mineral water and beer.” The association’s research also indicates that Germans consume an average of nearly four cups of coffee daily. However, 2023 data has yet to be released.


Meanwhile, the United States recorded the purchase of 682,952 bags in January, a 31.3% increase and representing 17.2% of the total export volume. It is worth noting that Americans consume more coffee during this period, driven by winter cold.

“At this time of year, we experience winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and coffee consumption increases. This, coupled with a reduction in coffee stocks in the upper part of the globe, naturally leads major consumers to import more coffee from producing origins,” commented the president of Cecafé.


On the other side of the world, China’s continued advancement in purchasing Brazilian coffee remains noteworthy. The market is steadily growing, with the Asian powerhouse maintaining its position in sixth place in the ranking. In January of this year, China imported 168,761 bags, a 153.9% increase from the volume acquired in the first month of 2023.

Márcio highlights that beyond the volume increase, China’s interest in quality coffee is also notable. “They are seeking quality arabica. While Brazil’s robusta market is not yet a significant part of their consumption, they have indeed made significant strides,” he stated. In celebration of 50 years of commercial relations with Brazil, the export sector is planning to advance promotional activities to boost the image of Brazilian coffee and drive business growth.

Source: Revista Cafeicultura

Click here to read the original news piece: https://revistacafeicultura.com.br/alemanha-ultrapassa-estados-unidos-na-compra-de-cafes-do-brasil-com-alta-de-50-nas-importacoes/

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