Ports and Terminals

Ceará inaugurates sector 2 of the EPZ in the Pecém Complex

Nov, 17, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202144

Covering 1,911 hectares, Sector 2 of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) of the Pecém Complex was inaugurated on November 16th. The Ceará Government’s BRL13 million investment prepared the space by paving access roads and secondary roads and providing electricity transmission infrastructure, lighting, fiber optics, and closed-circuit television. The space should receive industrial plants for the production of green hydrogen, among other projects.

The expansion of the Cearense Free Trade Zone is unique in its flexibility in dividing its lots, allowing them to be divided into several sizes. The idea is to attract companies in addition to the large projects that have already been pre-established through protocols intended for the sector – such as those for green hydrogen, other projects. “We are getting a company that produces offshore wind energy and a refinery with Israeli private investment that already has reserved land and mining projects,” said Maia Júnior, Secretary of State for Economic Development and Labor.

Sector 2 of the SPA is located within the municipality of Caucaia.

Green Hydrogen

The big bet for the success of Sector 2 of the EPZ is the arrival of renewable energy companies, such as natural gas and green hydrogen. “There are already 12 protocols of intention and one more is joining the other five that were under negotiation, totaling 18 protocols from investors who see in Ceará the possibility of transforming the state and placing it in the leading position of supplier of new fuels”, said the owner of Sedet.

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