Trade Regulations

Argentina awarded authorization to export sheep and goats to Chile

Sep, 19, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202338

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Argentina will begin exporting small ruminants for slaughter and genetic material to Chile, specifically sheep and goats. In this context, the agency also announced ongoing efforts to send small ruminants for reproduction and fattening to the neighboring country.

The opening of a new market for the shipment of these goods was achieved through the National Directorate of Animal Health (DNSA) of Senasa, which established the conditions and model of the CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection) with the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) of Chile. Regarding the shipment of genetic material, Senasa reported that, according to the requirements established in negotiations with the Chilean animal service, artificial insemination centers and embryo collection and processing centers must be previously authorized by SAG.

On the other hand, when it comes to exporting small ruminants for slaughter, authorization from the SAG will not be required. The head of the Argentine agricultural department, Juan José Bahillo, stated that “the trade agreement is a breakthrough that reflects many years of negotiations with the neighboring country and adds a new binational exchange, such as the export of cattle from the Patagonian region that is currently in effect.”

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